food processors

美 [fuːd ˈprɑˌsɛsərz]英 [fuːd ˈprəʊsɛsəz]
  • n.食物加工器
  • food processor的复数
food processorsfood processors

food processors


  • 1
    N-COUNT 食品加工机(用来混合、剁碎或搅拌食物)
    A food processor is a piece of electrical equipment that is used to mix, chop, or beat food, or to make it into a liquid.

  1. ' We 're like food processors , ' he says .


  2. Food processors are useful aids in preparing food .


  3. The payments were funded by a use tax paid by food processors .


  4. Fridges , food processors and fans are also shifting more quickly .


  5. Latin American Association of Food Processors


  6. Large food processors find it difficult to verify that hogs and chickens from small farms across China are raised according to standards ;


  7. he was struck by the Cuisinart food processors and decided that he wanted a sleek case made of light molded plastic .


  8. It is often not in production that small-scale food processors struggle but in the management of their businesses and they need support to become or remain competitive on world markets .


  9. Most of China 's half a million food processors are far too small or unsophisticated to serve enormous and exacting clients such as the foreign chains .


  10. This law was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1936 on the grounds that taxes on food processors could not be used to enforce production control programs .


  11. As for the food processors , 52 usable questionnaires out of 100 questionnaires distributed to owners , production managers , sales managers and marketing managers were returned .


  12. Police in Guangxi , along China 's border with Vietnam , have stepped up anti-smuggling operations over the last year and have raided seven illegal food processors .


  13. The company sells its products to distributors , food processors , food service businesses , supermarket retailers , and manufacturers , as well ase-commerce and mail order fulfillment firms .


  14. Supported by the occasional use of kitchen utensils such as spoons and food processors , the orchestra has been a hit in its hometown of Vienna .


  15. High oleate ( c18:1 ) peanut is valued by oil / food processors and consumers , not only because it processed products shelves to live longer , but also beneficial to health .


  16. ' It will raise questions about U.S. food processors in general , ' said Michael Doyle , professor and director of the Center for Food Safety and Quality Enhancement at the University of Georgia . '


  17. Feed mills and food processors prefer to buy or import fresh , cheaper grain and simply resell the unwanted old stocks back to the warehouses , where it is entered in ledgers as new stocks .


  18. It anticipated some of these trends as long ago as 2006 by creating a global agribusiness fund to invest in food-related companies , including plantation owners , biotechnology companies , equipment makers , food processors and distributors .


  19. Food and drinks processors should put public health as the highest priority at all stages of production .


  20. Rohit Khanna of Waters Corporation , a maker of scientific instruments and a partner in the fund , says the strategy involves educating food producers and processors , and scientific testing .


  21. The Food and Drug Administration is releasing a set of proposed regulations today for farms that grow fruits and vegetables as well as food processors .
